Tuesday, 22 July 2008

I cannot say...

Posting two days in a row...peculiar behaviour for me I know but I doubt I'll go three days in a row so if you're reading this I wouldn't bother checking tomorrow.
Our house has been undergoing a spring clean since the 12th holidays last weekend (perhaps I should call it '12th cleaned') and I'm telling myself there can't be many more drawers, shelves, cupboards, boxes or nooks or crannies left for me to pull everything out and ditch the junk, then hopefully leave everything back looking a little better than it did before I arrived (if ur driving past our house you will know it hasn't reached the exterior of our house yet, and im not sure it will). Anyway this is a little poem I found scribbled in a notebook somewhere that I thought you might find challenging...I did at least. I recommend reading it slowly and leaving time to understand each line...

I cannot say...

I cannot say 'our' if I live only for myself.
I cannot say 'father' if I do not endeavour each day to act like His child.
I cannot say 'in heaven' if I am laying up no treasure there.
I cannot say 'hallowed be your name' if I am not striving for holiness.
I cannot say 'your kingdom come' if I am not doing all in my power to hasten that wonderful event.
I cannot say 'your will be done' if I am disobedient to His word.
I cannot say 'on earth as it is in heaven' if I'll not serve Him here and now.
I cannot say 'give us today our daily bread' if I am dishonest or seeking things by subterfuge.
I cannot say 'forgive us our debts' if I harbour a grudge against anyone.
I cannot say 'lead us not into temptation' if I deliberately place myself in it's path.
I cannot say 'deliver us from evil' if I do not put on the whole armour of God.
I cannot say 'yours is the kingdom' if I do not give the King the loyalty due Him from a faithful subject.
I cannot attribute to Him 'the power' if I fear what men may do.
I cannot ascribe to Him 'the glory' if I am seeking honour only for myself.
And I cannot say 'forever' if the horizon of my life is bounded completely by time.

Author unknown

Monday, 21 July 2008

Random thoughts...

After Simon reminding me that I really haven't bothered my bum blogging in a while I thought I might share a few thoughts...so much for my last attempt in May. But here we go at the end of July. I might add in my defence that I have been kinda busy...doing pre-reg exam, going to Romania, going to england with work etc etc. And I have a husband to serve and care for, and home to make. Not that I'm doing a wonderful job at either (check out girltalk over past few weeks for posts on homemaking).
As I leave my current role in Dromara as pre-reg I am tempted to worry about my new responsibilities come the end of this week. Actually I haven't just been tempted to worry, I have been sinfully worrying and being anxious about it, but am looking to the words of Jesus "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." mat6v34. I have to trust in God that he will be my guide in these days of change.
Also, in church on Sunday we were studying Judges 3. I had never heard this passage before, it is soooo good and I was just like 'God you are so funny'. I won't spoil it for you incase you haven't already read it.....
And before I go I will give Simon free publicity and announce there is a 'Sale' table in the bookshop at Vic Ryn. Not that anybody reads this blog but there Simon - I promised.

Monday, 5 May 2008

More gems from CJ

Make no mistake: Jesus could have descended from the cross and saved Himself at any moment. It wasn't the nails that kept Him there. What kept Him there was what placed Him there - His passion to do the will of His Father, and His love for sinners like you and me.

Sunday, 4 May 2008

The Cross

The next few posts will basically be little bits from 'Christ our mediator' by none other than CJ. Enjoy :)

The distractions that turn us away from the cross are so incessant and so numberous. But failing to focus on the right spot has serious consequences. So here's my question for you: In the last week, what was your primary preoccupation in your life? What was your spiritual focus? Was it on that spot where God most reveals His personal love for you - the cross? Or was it on your own circumstances, your own condition, your own concerns? Was your preoccupation with your personal pursuit of godliness? Growth in godliness must be pursued, but never apart from joyful gratitude for the cross.

That's why in my own spiritual diet - and I recommend this for yours as well - a consistent ingredient is the study of the cross, primarily from Scripture but also from many of the oustanding books that have been written about the cross from a strong biblical perspective. Let there never be a lengthy period of time where you aren't receiving inspiration and instruction related directly to the cross, since that's where we find a fresh, sustaining conviction of His personal love.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

more plaigarism for you...

a quote from Gary or else Gary stole this from somewhere and brought it to my attention (and lets face it, probably only Gary reading it) ...but too challenging not to share...

I have met people who knew a lot about baseball, a lot about oldies rock and roll [oops], a lot about computers, a lot about a lot, but I have never met anyone who knew the Bible too well. Not one person. Ever. Especially not in these times.

The ESV Study Bible comes out this October. I see an opportunity here. Could we all give ourselves ESV Study Bibles for Christmas and then set 2009 apart as “Our Year of the Bible”? Could we all give less to other things so that we give more to the Bible? Could we bore down together and discover the wonders of this holy Book as never before? Could we acknowledge our spiritual hunger, and thoughtfully, carefully, attentively, daily feed our souls? Could we shut off the noise and listen? Could we re-set our focus from the voices inside our heads to the Voice in the Book?

And if we did, is it even conceivable that we could then come to the end of 2009 and say, “Dang. I could have done more TV and more computer and more video games and more dumb stuff. What a loser year 2009 has been! Next year, man, it’s going to be different. No more of this Bible-focus for me. I’m going to LIVE again”? Is there any chance, any chance at all, that could happen? Or might Jesus become more real to us? Might the Holy Spirit be poured out? Might we look back on 2009 as our turn-around year?

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

How are you??

Just reading some of 'Christ our mediator' by CJ Mahaney (Looks brill so far by the way, I would highly recommend it!). One little thing he talks about it how when someone asks how he is, he replies with 'better than i deserve'. Which I think is brilliant cos he then goes on to explain about how we are sinners and need a saviour. Brilliant. Just have to ask for the grace and strength to start using it.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

CJ Mahaney

Both gary and girltalk mentioned that the legendary CJ has started his own blog...was having a little browse and thought id steal a paragraph or two to get you interested.... he was answering the question 'what books on the cross of Christ have affected you most?' so initally explains why it is important to consistently read about the cross.

We awaken each day with a tendency to forget that which is most important: the gospel. All of us should assume this tendency and be aware of this tendency. Because of the Fall and due to the effects of remaining sin, we have a daily tendency and temptation to forget stuff in general and to forget that which is most important in particular.
Assuming this tendency, we must create practices that will enable us to remember what we must not forget—the cross. So each day I seek to spend time in a location where I am not distracted, unhurriedly reading and meditating on Scripture and finding my way in Scripture to a hill called Calvary to meditate each day on Christ and him crucified. Each day I need to remind myself of the gospel. I cannot live on yesterday’s recollection of the gospel. I need to review and rehearse the gospel each day or I will assume the gospel, forget the gospel, and prove vulnerable to all manner of temptation and sin.

didn't i tell you it was brill...bet you are searching for his blog as i type... http://sovereigngraceministries.com/Blog/

Monday, 21 January 2008

One heart at a time...

At bottear last night we had andi and tresha from romania and their theme for this year is One heart at a time.. which i thought id share with you. cos even through their work and meeting thousands of kids potentially with their new facilities God is providing, they are still working one heart at a time, and so should we whatever we are involved in. it tied in too with what we had heard at church that morning, the second week in the series on restoring sabbath. the place where we work is as much our mission field as a pastor or missionary whereever they are. our attitude to work should not be one of dread but to be pleased to be able to work and work as if God is your boss. im not explaining that very well but anyway i better scoot can barely keep my eyes open!
oh and girltalk are posting about fasting which seems very good.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Hello world

hey, its been a while i know. sorry. not sure anyone checks this anymore so hey im maybe talking to myself. (and yes simon i know working full time is not an excuse for dsisappearing from the blogosphere.)

hope everyone had a lovely christmas and new year. and half of january too i suppose...

gordon mcdade has just kicked off a new series in our church on sunday mornings about sabbath and getting back to having a day to rest and enjoy God, so can check out his blog he said he is going to be updating it soon with thoughts on the subject.

oh and i just checked girltalk for the first time in about 6 months, its as brill as ever. janelle expecting her second, im so sad i dont even know these people...

right i may go iv been hogging the tv for ages. adios.