Friday, 6 April 2007

BBC update

I knew I should have written this the night I came home as I have an awful memory but just thought I would let the world see a little of what goes on at BBC.
And I haven't been able to blog the past two days as my life has been madness trying to finish my dissertation as I wanted it done and handed in before Easter :)
We were finishing the Chapter on how a woman of excellence is exemplified by obedience. So as always, it was very helpful.

  • We need to have the same attitude as Christ (Phil 2v5-8)...humble, a servant. Wendie shared how she had been studying how Christ was a servant. Not seeking glory, happy to do things without people noticing. (Wendie did a much better job of explaining it)...we all agreed how hard it is to do things without people noticing, there is a fine line between pure motives and motives for self.
  • The purposes of trials are to glorify God. We should rejoice in them. Anybody want to add how we are supposed to do that?? We wondered are we to publically say we are rejoicing or is it more a matter of the heart?? Gary,!!
  • Promises for those who learn obedience through suffering...James1v12 - crown of life. James 5v11 - blessing compassion and mercy. 1Peter5v10 - perfect, established, strengthen and settled.
  • "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees" Psalm 119v71.

"The present circumstance, which presses so hard against you, if surrendered to Christ, is the best shaped tool in the Father's hand to chisel you for eternity. Trust Him, then. Do not push away the instrument lest you lose its work."

  • Is there a situation in your life with which you are struggling? How can you begin to specifically respond in a biblical way to this trial? Jesus said we are his friends if we obey him..John 15v14.

I pray that you will be blessed in some way from this and strive to be more obedient to your master.

I thought this week was one of the best BBC's yet, for me that is. But that could just be dependent on my attitudes and openness to learn.

Yesterday's post in Girltalk links to this obedience quite well....check it out 'Gifts from God'. I thought it was lovely. For any mothers out there.

Enjoy the Easter hols everyone.


Boaly said...

In relation to
"The purposes of trials are to glorify God. We should rejoice in them. Anybody want to add how we are supposed to do that?? We wondered are we to publically say we are rejoicing or is it more a matter of the heart??"

All commands to rejoice are to do with the heart and emotions, not an outward show although a true heartfelt joy will manifest itself in various ways!
If we were to say "Oh how good it is to suffer" and not 'feel' that way, we would be lyers and hypocrits!

Often when we are in trials or in illness or sufferings we do not 'feel' very rejoiceful. Its hard to sing praises if, for example, you are in pain!

Having said that if we are taught well enough, know and hold to God's promises enough to realign our thinking about trials etc then perhaps joy may come.
A prime example is in Hebrews 12 where we read "for the joy that was set before Him [Christ] endured the cross..."
The question is "what was joyfull about the cross"?
Answer-Nothing, it was a bloody, painful, mess that i'm sure was extreemly painful and that our Lord in His human state would have been crying out for pain!

But the end result was that, by His sufferings, all that pain, seperation and agony, Jesus purchased for Himself a pure bride, a forgiven people!

So the Joy of Hebrews 12 is the end result of the suffering.

So it is with us, if we can grasp and cling tight to the promise that God is working everything for the good of those who love Him and who are called according to His purposes then we can hope that God is behind our cancer, broken leg, aids, mis-carriages etc because He is working for our benefit and His glory!
This is a difficult thing to explain in a Blog comment, perhaps Tim could talk at Bottear next year through the verses that command our rejoicing in sufferings!
John Piper probably has alot on this, check out;
One such sermon may be Why We Can Rejoice in Suffering
Found at

Boaly said...

Is the full link address for the above as it hasn't fully came up in the above comment.

It may of help to go to the suffering index at DesiringGod

If that doesn't work, and do a search for suffering

Gemma Roche said...

thanks gary, that was really helpful. i will relay that to the girlys. and good suggestion for bottear next year. will look into your links as well at some stage.

Micky said...

About 3 years ago I dropped into a black hole – four months of absolute terror. I wanted to end my life, but somehow [Holy Spirit], I reached out to a friend who took me to hospital. I had three visits [hospital] in four months – I actually thought I was in hell. I imagine I was going through some sort of metamorphosis [mental, physical & spiritual]. I had been seeing a therapist [1994] on a regular basis, up until this point in time. I actually thought I would be locked away – but the hospital staff was very supportive [I had no control over my process]. I was released from hospital 16th September 1994, but my fear, pain & shame had only subsided a little. I remember this particular morning waking up [home] & my process would start up again [fear, pain, & shame]. No one could help me, not even my therapist [I was terrified]. I asked Jesus Christ to have mercy on me & forgive me my sins. Slowly, all my fear has dissipated & I believe Jesus delivered me from my “psychological prison.” I am a practicing Catholic & the Holy Spirit is my friend & strength; every day since then has been a joy & blessing. I deserve to go to hell for the life I have led, but Jesus through His sacrifice on the cross, delivered me from my inequities. John 3: 8, John 15: 26, are verses I can relate to, organically. He’s a real person who is with me all the time. I have so much joy & peace in my life, today, after a childhood spent in orphanages [England & Australia]. God LOVES me so much. Fear, pain, & shame, are no longer my constant companions. I just wanted to share my experience with you [Luke 8: 16 – 17].

Peace Be With You